Aqualyng has over 20 years’ expertise with supply of Reverse Osmosis plants into Hospitals and Healthcare centres across Australia and has a good knowledge & understanding of the Australian Standards & Regulations.
Aqualyng provide services and specialise in design, engineering, supply, manufacture, install, commission, operate & maintain of plant and equipment.
Aqualyng undertakes a thorough due diligence of all our supplies by subjecting all equipment to thorough quality checks, factory tests, inspections.
Our units are supplied to meet water requirements for AS 4187 tables 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 and we guarantee performance and outcomes so that risk to the facility is minimised.
Our standard equipment ranges in capacity from 50L/H (STW-50) to 3,000L/H (STW-3000)
Aqualyng systems are fully compliant in order to produce & deliver treated water quality as deemed fit for CSSD operations and other associated processes.