Workforce Shortages

Opportunities for Student and Graduate Nurses

As one of Day Hospitals Australia’s Strategic Objectives, we are looking at workforce issues and the challenges facing our members and the health care sector.

There are considerable opportunities for both student and graduate nurses to gain experience working in day hospitals around Australia.

Initial conversations and meetings to facilitate the process of placing student and graduate nurses into Day Hospitals has taken place with the Universities and Day Hospitals around the country.

The Universities we have spoken with are keen to place students as soon as possible in the sector and will provide full support to the student and the day hospital.  We are also looking at models to support nurses preceptor/buddy students and it is a fabulous opportunity for professional development and exposure to the educational opportunities that are available.

This is a valuable opportunity to recruit staff and promote the Day Hospital sector.   Speak to a university and see what they have to say, they are not wanting to set you or the student up to fail.

Many Day Hospitals already participate and have all expressed how wonderful it is.  If you would like to contact members who have taken on students in their facility, please email and we will pass on their contact information. 

We currently have 22 student placements scheduled who have already commenced their placement and who are due to start from July 2022.  The placements vary from 2 weeks through to 5 weeks duration.  

Feedback from our members who have taken on students: 

Pacific Private Hospital, Southport, Queensland – December 2023

We have been only recently having students from Torrens University and TAFE. We were apprehensive as to the time that placements would take us away from clinical needs. However, we have found that our staff have embraced the experience with enthusiasm. It has uplifted spirits and they all want to mentor a student. It’s like they are reenergised. They are teaching their skills and sharing their knowledge and see this as the way to the future. We have had both nursing students and anaesthetic tech students. We have employed one nursing student as an AIN and she is amazing. Our anaesthetic techs will all contact us on completion and are keen to return to the day surgery sector. We have had thankyou letters, cards, flowers and even lunch supplied as a thank you. A great recruitment exercise and we actually get to know them before we employ. This is an asset to any employer. I encourage you all to embrace this. I acknowledge your concerns as we had them as well but we have to look at recruitment differently and this is definitely an alternative avenue but a positive experience for all”. 

Monash House Private Hospital, Clayton, Victoria

“Monash House Private Hospital is excited to be taking two 3rd year students in August 2022 and will be working with the University to continue this arrangement into the future. The students placed are from Federation University, with a placement duration of 5 weeks. The University has provided great support with pre-placement meetings, and provision of student requirements and assessments and has also assisted with preceptor training for staff. We look forward to the students joining the team”.

Contact  for further information.

Placement of students will increase their exposure to the day hospital sector, demonstrating that for career opportunities post grad, that the day hospital is an exciting area to work in

It will help with recruitment into the sector by exposing students in the early years

It also provides our RN with an opportunity for professional development in the teaching field

NO, things we take for granted can be eye opening for a student, they get to see the full perioperative rotation, including chronic health planning, visualise the bowel and upper GI tract anatomy in endoscopy, or cataract surgery, IV management and aseptic technique, airway management for example

All Universities across Australia have expressed an interest in participating and partnering with the Day Hospitals to improve student options for clinical placements

Universities were impacted due to COVID so are desperately looking for placement options, plus they have all increased their student numbers

Majority of Universities are looking for second and third year student placements

A couple have suggested a first-year placement would also benefit some students

Second year approx. 2 weeks but varies from university to university and semester

Third year approx. 4 – 6 weeks but varies from university to university and semester

There are also refresher students from OS and EN to RN students

The university will work closely with you to determine the suitability of your day hospital to safely place a student

The students are only placed if deemed safe to do so

This depends on whether you take a first- or second-year student

The university will support you every step of the way

There can also be a financial incentive to have students

This depends entirely on whether you have somebody who is suitable to be a preceptor or not

The university will work closely with you to ensure the student has the appropriate level of support

Depends on their year, but the aim for third year is that once they have orientation, they can work autonomously

Once you loop into a university, they will work with you to develop an agreement which covers off the legal aspects of student placement

The majority are all online and the university will work with you to learn the process.

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